Manual Lymph Drainage (Bantry)

Lymphoedema (a chronic condition which causes swelling in body tissues) is a common side effect of cancer treatment.  The therapist, using the gentle, light but precise hand movements of Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) on the skin , stimulate  contractions of the lymphatic vessels aiming to redirect fluid away from swollen areas to other non affected lymph nodes, ultimately being transported back to the normal circulatory system. The treatment is very gentle and a typical session will involve skin movement of the neck, trunk, and the affected extremity, lasting approximately 40 to 60 minutes. MLD, nurturing and rehabilitative, provides deep, healing relaxation and is perfectly suited for the purpose of rest and rejuvenation for the client recovering from a serious illness while benefiting from the physical therapeutic drainage effect .

Antionette O’ Connor is a certified Dr Vodder MLD therapist, currently working with The Lymph Clinic in Cork. She will come to Bantry every second Thursday. This service will be free of charge and will save patients in the West Cork area the journey to Cork City for this treatment.


Jan 23 2025


10:00 am
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